
Test_Nature Record Type




  • Michael Lerch

    Hi Mark!  I'm excited to hear you are diving into our APIs.  Most of our users tie Test_Nature to Test_of_Control records rather than directly to Control.  You may have a Testing Summary or a Test Matrix report that covers the Testing information including Test_Nature.  If not, such a report could be built in your account, or an existing report could be supplemented with a column for testing nature.  If you use our records API endpoint and include incoming and outgoing relationships, you can probably find which Test_of_Control records each Test_Nature is tied to.

  • Mark Isla

    How do I get that information with the incoming and outgoing relationships?  The Test_Nature record type has these information.  Do I just call the outgoing url like a GET API?

    "id" : "Test_Nature",
    "type" : "type",
    "links" : {
    "self" : "https://api.wk-dev.wdesk.org/graphdb/v1/types/Test_Nature"
    "attributes" : {
    "properties" : [ "value", "description" ]
    "relationships" : {
    "outgoing" : {
    "links" : {
    "self" : "https://api.wk-dev.wdesk.org/graphdb/v1/types/Test_Nature/relationships/outgoing",
    "related" : "https://api.wk-dev.wdesk.org/graphdb/v1/types/Test_Nature/outgoing"
    "incoming" : {
    "links" : {
    "self" : "https://api.wk-dev.wdesk.org/graphdb/v1/types/Test_Nature/relationships/incoming",
    "related" : "https://api.wk-dev.wdesk.org/graphdb/v1/types/Test_Nature/incoming"

  • Michael Lerch

    Mark, for types, you can see the available relationships with something like `/graphdb/v1/types/Test_Nature?include=incoming,outgoing`  -- the json will now return data > meta > relationships and you'll see there's a relationship available between Test_of_Control and Test_Nature called "test_nature"

    When actually returning records, you can hit `graphdb/v1/records?filter[@type][EQ]=Test_Nature?include=incoming,outgoing`.  The output is a little noisy (we are working on tidying it up), but should have what you need. 

  • Mark Isla

    Thank you - that worked, but I think it should be '&include=incoming,outgoing' rather than '?'

