
Freeze and Thaw in next gen




  • Nicole Sackedis

    We do not roll our files each quarter, we use the milestones instead.  Therefore, it is the same file each quarter but we need to lock submitters out until after we file so that they can not make changes after they submit without us knowing.  Are there any other suggestions in this case?

  • Christa Brooks

    Hi Nicole, at this time you cannot Freeze/Thaw next gen Documents. Our Product Team plans to have this available, but we do not yet have an ETA. I have connected your request to the appropriate ticket on our end so you can stay updated. You can also your eyes peeled on our What's New topic for new release info for this and other awaited features. 

    For the time being, I would recommend first rolling forward your files to preserve those advanced permissions, and then setting the previous report's files to view only.  

    Thanks as always for your feedback!

  • Christa Brooks

    Hi Nicole, you may be able to save time here by copying and pasting directly into advanced permissions from another document to apply section permissions in bulk. You can also export the permissions to excel and copy/paste from there into advanced permissions.

