
Numbered list across sections




  • 正式なコメント

    Great news, list enthusiasts! As noted here, a recent release has now made continuing numbered lists across sections available within Documents. You can access this via the format panel on the right.

    Thanks for your patience and feedback along the way. We couldn't have done it without you. 😊

  • Mike

    Hi Peggi!

    Thanks for reaching out. The underlying issue still remains on our Product Team's roadmap, but it's yet fully resolved. However, the workaround of restarting the number, mentioned above, does work.

    That being said, I've attached you to this request and will continue to keep this post updated with any new developments. Give me a holler if you have any questions, or need anything else. Cheers!

  • Mike

    Hi Amy Smith!

    Thanks for the question. I'm happy to look into this for you.

    To confirm, you are working in a classic Document or next gen Document. Just want to confirm as I did some testing on my end.

  • Amy Smith

    Hi Mike.  We are working in a Next Gen document.

  • Mike

    Thanks for confirming, Amy!

    Indeed, I see what you mean. I check with our Product Team too and this issue has recently been brought to their attention and is being looked at. I've went ahead an moved this question into our Support Issues topic and shared your experience with the team. We'll be in touch with any updates, but if you have any questions for me in the meantime, just give me a holler.

    Thanks again and have a great day!

  • John Garrett

    Was there any resolution to this issue?  We really need that functionality to transition a few of our current processes to Wdesk..

  • Amy Smith

    John - this hasn't been resolved yet.  We are manually having to renumber instead of using the list function.

  • Mike

    Hi John Garrett,

    Amy is correct, as of yet this has not been resolved. I've extracted both your particular requests and connected them with our Product Team who is looking at this currently. I don't have much of an update as far as timeline, but I've definitely let them know your desire for this feature and rest assured, you are not alone.

    I'll be sure to keep you apprised here with any new developments. If you have any questions or need anything, just let me know. Thanks for your patience and have a fabulous day!

  • Mike

    Hi John Garrett and Amy Smith,

    Wanted to let you both know that while the underlying issue itself is yet to be fully resolved, a recent release to Wdesk now allows you manually pick any number to restart from. Here's a quick example:

    Wanted to let you both know. If you have any questions on this feature, or need anything else, just give me a holler. Thanks for your continued patience and have a happy Friday! 

  • Amy Smith

    Thanks for the update!

  • Peggi Hart

    Any update to this this? Thank you!

  • Erica Worley

    Hello - Our team would also benefit greatly from this feature being updated.  It is quite cumbersome to manually change each section as we create it.





  • Kim Medei


    Where did the edit list properties go within paragraph properties?  I insert a list and try to reformat the number and the option for "list" is no longer available.




  • Mike

    I see what you mean, Kimberly. You are missing this, correct?

    If you click on the list, that shows up, but if you click off the list, it pops back up in the panel. I assume you are clicking on the list in your document, but wanted to confirm.

  • Kim Medei

    Hi Mike,

    Yes, I am clicking on the list and it isn't popping up.


  • Mike

    Well that is quite bizarre, and counter to what should be expected here. I might suggest reaching out to our Customer Support team to see if they can find any possible root causes for this.

    Let me know if there's anything else I can assist with, or you have any questions for me. Many thanks and stay great!

  • Nicole Sackedis

    Has there been any updates on the continuing numbering across sections yet?  We were trying to build mgmt rep letters in documents but wanted to use sections so each section could be set to print or non-printing without deleting from primary.

  • Mike

    Hi Nicole!

    I circled back on this one and sadly it is not currently planned to be worked on at this time. This is subject to change, especially so if this gains more traction, so we'll definitely keep you apprised. Not the news you wanted to hear, but I appreciate you asking. Let me know if you have any questions for me in the meantime.

  • Sonny Tao

    We are also having the same issue and ended up having to create excel tab and linking the numbers of the section depends on the quarter. TBH, I think this should be implemented since hiding sections is a major feature of the workiva next gen. When we hide sections, we do not want to resort to manually to change section heading numbering. .

  • Elaini Carriere


    We are in the same boat and would really love this functionality. It would assist with some items we put together for our Earnings Call.

