Is it possible to get requested statistics for only chains that refreshed connections or published links?
回答済みThe goal is to inform stakeholders how long it takes for updates to be synchronized.
Hi Prafulla, you can get information about Chain activity using the Monitor page in Chain Builder. At the top of the Monitor page is a number of ways to filter the data to narrow down the results. Additionally, you can get metadata about Chain activity using the Workiva Chain Connector or the Chains API. For example, if you needed to inform stakeholders outside of Workiva about a particular Chain run, you can use the Get Chain Run Command. Or if you needed to share Chain run data outside of Workiva, you can get the data using the Get Chain History Command.
0Thanks Jeff, also how much time it will take to update the data in final report when i update metrics or some last minutes changes by Data approver in DCS and then click Refresh chain , need to understand any approx timeline on an average/stats its takes to refresh the data in Report.
0The length a Chain run will take is variable. For example, some of the factors will depend on the complexity of the Chain itself, the size of the dataset, if CloudRunner or GroundRunner is in use, etc. You can view historical run times using the locations in my comment above. The Monitor page shows start and end datetimes of Chain runs. You can also get this information and the calculated Duration by looking at an individual previous Chain run. Additionally, the Chain Commands and Chain API can be used to retrieve run time data and may help to calculate averages and stats easier.