
Tasks: able to customize automatic reminders and able to schedule the task




  • Rachel Snyder

    I would like to see this feature as well. The default timing is not great - 3 days before the due date and then the day of? Not the day before? Then the emails stop after the task is 3 days late (why?). The notifications should be advanced enough to recognize business days (week days) and not send emails on weekends.

    I would also like the ability to edit the task reminder emails. I personally do not want the email to say "Contact <your name here> at <your email address> if you have any questions." Only one person has the ability to run a process and it is not necessarily that person would should be contacted for questions.

  • Courtnie Carver

    Thanks for reaching out, Daniela.

    The good news is that our product team currently has the ability to schedule reminders/tasks on their future roadmap!

    We don't currently have a timeline but I have created a ticket for you so you can stay in the loop about progress/updates!

  • Daniela Marin

    Super, thanks Courtnie. 

  • Isabel Messore

    Rachel Snyder,

    Welcome to the Community! I've added you to this feature request so you'll be notified of any updates! I've also created a separate feature request for the ability to edit the task reminder emails! 

  • Andrew McKenzie

    We also are interested in having greater control over the content and timing of the automated reminder e-mails.

