API User Group Membership
回答済みWe'd like to extract the user list with group membership using the API. We're successful in pulling users, but don't see anything for groups. This works fine, but only gives the basic user details.
user_url = 'https://api.app.wdesk.com/platform/v1/users'
Hi Nick, the List Organization Users report in the Admin API includes additional information about users. For example, it includes Organization and Workspace Roles. This report may include the information you're seeking.
There is also a Prototype Admin API (prototype endpoints are subject to frequent change and/or removal without warning) that includes endpoints specifically for Groups. At the time of this post, the endpoints included in this prototype API are Retrieve List of Groups, Create a New Group in a Workspace, Delete a Single Group, Retrieve a Single Group, Update a Single Group, Retrieve List of Group Members, and Modify Members in a Group.