
Allow chain notification trigger on multiple conditions




  • Jeff Hickey

    Hi Andrew, thanks for posting this idea. I'd like to gather a little more information and am curious if you could provide more details around the use cases you'd find this useful for. It sounds like the benefit of the idea you're proposing is to reduce redundant work of creating similar notifications and I wonder if a duplicate or copy notification button would help with this. There may be instances for multiple notifications of the same condition if specific recipients need different information (ie. end user vs chain builder user notifications) and a copy button could be helpful here. However, it would be great if you could add more details around the benefit of having an 'Errors or Warning', or 'Error, Warning, or Pause' options verse the ability today to create an Error, Warning, and Pause notifications individually.

  • Andrew McKenzie

    Hi Jeff Hickey - my vision would not be to have 'Errors or Warning', or 'Error, Warning, or Pause' options, but rather the ability to choose multiple triggers for a notification. I.e., a checklist of the four true options instead of the current drop-down.

    Yes, the perceived primary benefit would be efficiency (fewer clicks to create/maintain notifications). E.g., in order to monitor chain abnormalities, I've probably created two dozen notifications in the past week (for "Error" and "Warning"), when it seems like one dozen should have been sufficient. If I want to change anything on the existing notifications, it's twice the effort. Whereas the current UX doesn't seem to offer any benefit, except perhaps for making the under-the-hood implementation slightly easier.

    A duplicate/copy notification function wouldn't save quite as much time, but it would be better than current-state. But I could envision it being useful for folks who need to create variations of notifications, each sharing some of the same custom message text, attachments, etc.

