
Certification Automatic Reminders




  • 正式なコメント

    Great news, all!

    The ability to schedule automated reminders for both stand along Tasks and those within a Process (including Certifications) has been made available in the Workiva platform!

    More info is found here on our Help site. If you have any additional feedback on this enhancement, let us know here in the community. Thanks again for your patience and feedback along the way. We know we couldn't have done it without you. Happy tasking the meantime. :) 

  • Peter Molnar

    Workiva Team - I was forced to migrate to the "new experience" with Certification on July 1, 2023, and so far I am finding that it is LACKING most of the basic functionality I already had with the old Certification module. One HUGE example is the certification reminder is missing.  This calendar is a must, and this needs to be fast tracked into development immediately.  With over 300 SOX certification send out each quarter on 7 different certification processes all with separate timing, this is critical to getting out SOX certification completed timely each quarter end.

  • Tim Martinelli

    Are there any updates on the calendar-based reminder enhancement? Thanks!

  • Morgan McIntyre

    Is there an update to the feature for scheduled reminders? Is there a way to remove sending automatic reminders?

  • Isabel Messore
    In short yes, you will have the ability to set reminders in some form but, not on the June release. They will also look a little bit different. You can set on demand reminders as well as automatically scheduled reminders. These automated reminders will go out 3 days before the due date and every day before the signing or approval task is completed. That's a different cadence then your used to today, where you see the calendar icon and click exactly which dates you want that to go out. So, you will still be able to customize the text that goes out in reminders, the cadence is just different. 
    For more information, I recommend checking out this post. Specifically, the "New solution: perks and gaps" timestamp at 17:33!
  • Tim Martinelli

    Just to clarify the current status of the automatic reminders, is the only option to have them sent 3 days before due date, on the due date and every day until signed? Is there any option to turn off the automatic reminders and just send manually? Will there be more flexibility in selecting the dates for automatic reminders and if so, is there an estimate on when that will be available?  I found the option to select the dates of automatic reminders in the old tool very useful. Thanks!

  • Isabel Messore

    Tim Martinelli,

    At this time, yes. There is not a functionality at the moment to change the default for automatic reminders. However, you can send manual reminders outside of the preset ones. A Process Owner will have the ability to go in and send reminders for all incomplete items, manually. We do plan to support scheduling reminders to fill that gap from classic certs and tentatively looking at Q4 of this year for that to be in processes!

  • Mike

    Hi Peter!

    Thanks for sharing your feedback regarding the new Certifications application. While it is a work in progress and more functionality continues to get added, we acknowledge that some items are lagging behind. You candor here is appreciated, however, and I'll be sure to pass this along internally.

    That said, the good news is a calendar based due date for Process Tasks (the ones the new Certification runs on) is planned. I'll get you added to that body of work so you can stay apprised. Do let me know what questions you have for me in the meantime, however. Thanks again and have a great day!

  • Melanie Lange

    Hi Mike - In the current version of Certifications; are reminders sent automatically or is this something that will be available in a later release?  We tested our Process to see if we would get an automatic reminders, but we did not get an email reminder today, which was 2 days before the due date we set. 

    We will send manual reminders if needed, but do not want to send them if there will be automatic reminders sent out as well.

    Thank you!

  • Mike

    Hi Melanie!

    For Certifications auto-reminders, they follow this format currently: three (3) days before due date, the day of the due date, and every day for 45 days after the due date (if not completed yet).

    Process Tasks and Content Requests follow a similar logic, though they only repeat for three (3) days after the due date instead of 45.

    I'm happy to add you as a requestor to the calendar-based reminder enhancement if interested as well. Give me a holler if you have any follow-ups on the above. Thanks!


  • Becky Gale

    For SOX related certifications that need to be completed by the time we file with the SEC; what good does it do to remind people up to 45 days after due date.... by that time it is too late.

  • Brandon Ehrecke

    Hi Becky!

    Thank you for sharing your feedback. This has been passed along to our product team to review the timeline in which reminders are sent. You will be updated with the status of this suggestion as this progresses. Feel free to follow up with any additional questions you may have!

  • Mike

    Hi Tim!

    No new updates, at least in regards to timeline. It does remain on the roadmap to be done. I've added you as a requestor and we'll keep you updated on this going forward. Let me know what questions you have and if you need anything else. Cheers!

  • William Payne

    Has there been any movement on the Scheduled Reminders?  This is a tedious process that requires a lot of manual work.  Truthfully, I miss the old version as the functionality was a lot better. 

  • Mike

    Hi William!

    We hear ya. Scheduled reminders is coming and planned for Q1 2024. I'll keep this post updated and will add you as a requestor as well so you can stay apprised. Thanks for chiming in and give us a holler if you have any follow-ups.

    Cheers and happy Friday!

  • Susan Imperato

    Is there an update on the timing?  Also, is there a way to report on reminders sent?  This would be helpful if going the manual route.

    Thank you!

  • Mike

    Hi Morgan!

    Thanks for reaching on this one. At this time it is still planned but as you can tell, it was sadly not part of our Q1 '24 releases. Its possible for this quarter and likely for this year at least. I'll add you to our list of requestors so you can stay apprised. Let me know if you have any follow-ups for need anything else. 

  • Susan Imperato

    Terrific news! Thanks Mike

