Section Lock Edits NOW AVAILABLE
Mostrato in alto Completato
0 voti 16 commenti
NextGen - Freeze documents
15 voti 84 commenti
Blacklines Between Documents
13 voti 78 commenti
Compare 10-K to 10-Q
2 voti 47 commenti
Blackline Reviews of Documents
1 voto 34 commenti
Tracked changes in next gen documents
7 voti 28 commenti
Updates on Freeze and Thaw
1 voto 22 commenti
Blackline certain versions between documents
3 voti 20 commenti
Authorship in Docs and Pres
0 voti 8 commenti
History of track changes
2 voti 7 commenti
Status on freezing the document in new gen.
1 voto 7 commenti
Next Generation Blackline - Presenations
3 voti 7 commenti
How do you freeze a document in Next Gen?
Con risposta
2 voti 5 commenti
In-line track changes in Next Gen documents
1 voto 4 commenti
Locking data in spreadsheets to avoid editing
0 voti 4 commenti
Cannot turn off track changes even though I am a document owner
Con risposta
0 voti 4 commenti
Senior Fixed Income Trader
0 voti 3 commenti
Subscribe to notifications for specific section/sheet changes
2 voti 2 commenti
Track Changes
1 voto 2 commenti
Track Changes
0 voti 2 commenti
Blackline Status Update
0 voti 2 commenti
What are people doing to mimic a Development to QA to Production migration?
1 voto 1 commento
Font changes in pdf blackline report
0 voti 1 commento
Review Draft Visibility
Con risposta
0 voti 1 commento
Changes by specific user
1 voto 1 commento
Export User Permissions
0 voti 1 commento
Freezing a Presentation
1 voto 1 commento
Historic info appeared in Blackline pdf report
0 voti 0 commenti