SOX: Is there a way to add a link within the Word document of a narrative to another narrative in Word?
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Can we attach backup details in the Reports for SOX yet?
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Green Bubble Height and Weight in SOX testing while annotation
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Information request list management - suggestions needed
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How can I add new physical locations and business segments?
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PBC Request view-only access
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Using Issues and action plans in Database - best practices for numbering
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SOX - Format Matrix from File
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Is it possible to upload ZIP files to Wdesk?
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How can I create a user-centric report for users at the group-permission level?
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SOX Testing Readiness
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Question on process walkthroughs
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Control wording changes from Round 1 reflected in testing
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SOX Database - Which File Types are Supported for Importing a Matrix From File?
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IPE - need field definitions
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Viewing PBC requests in SOX database
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Line Wraps
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SOX Database documentation availability
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How to find evidence in SOX database for mark up?
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Inquiry test
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How can I create a report?
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Where are instructions on how to create a SOX test?
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Create link between Wdesk database and other documents
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Select columns from sampling to be pulled into control test
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how to download sox files from wdesk
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Adding New Reviewer for Test Forms
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Risk Ratings in Testing Sheet
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