Copy and paste images in spreadsheets
38 voti 8 commenti
"Transpose" option when pasting information
31 voti 12 commenti
Pivot Table in Spreadsheets
25 voti 5 commenti
Replace all functionality
25 voti 35 commenti
Add support for XLOOKUP formula
13 voti 16 commenti
Setting Page Margins in Spreadsheets?
12 voti 17 commenti
Excel Indirect function
11 voti 12 commenti
Hyperlinking in Spreadsheets
Con risposta
10 voti 21 commenti
Unwrap Text in Cells and Remove Paragraph Formatting
8 voti 28 commenti
Create and Send for Review Spreadsheet
6 voti 8 commenti
Is there a way to sum only visible rows?
5 voti 27 commenti
Connections vs Source/Destination Links
4 voti 8 commenti
Confirmation for completed processing
4 voti 4 commenti
Connected Spreadsheet Rollforward
4 voti 11 commenti
Conditional formatting that will lock a cell as well as make it blank
Con risposta
3 voti 1 commento
Spreadsheet - Dragging Cells
3 voti 4 commenti
Shorter dash for zero linked value
3 voti 6 commenti
Pivot table in connected sheet
3 voti 1 commento
Sumproduct formula with multiple criteria
Con risposta
3 voti 32 commenti
locking of sheet names and sequences
2 voti 1 commento
Use Workiva Sync to create embedded tables in reports
2 voti 1 commento
Yellow Triangle in Formula Cell
2 voti 3 commenti
Import as values
2 voti 5 commenti
Determine unique values in spreadsheet range
2 voti 2 commenti
FILTER Function Alternative
2 voti 2 commenti
How can we list unique values from a range in a spreadsheet?
2 voti 5 commenti
Percentile and Quartile Formulas
2 voti 3 commenti
Troubleshooting Wdesk Sync Errors
2 voti 1 commento
Subtotal Features
2 voti 3 commenti