Stacked Column Chart styling (possible bug) / Chart styling requestst
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Additional Options on Series
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Secondary Axis Options?
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Waterfall chart's bar is missing
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Category name labels on Stacked column charts
2 voti 4 commenti
Stacked Waterfall Chart
6 voti 3 commenti
What Chart types would you like in Wdesk?
1 voto 64 commenti
Rounding precision of percentages in pie chart
-1 voti 11 commenti
X-Axis and Y-Axis controls (similar to Legend)
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How to get the correct series within a graph.
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Waterfall charts
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Is there a way to reorder the legend?
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Donut Chart Label Placements
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Is there any way to define an apply styles to charts?
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Legend Not Appearing When Selected
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Labels inside a doughnut chart
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Step by step guide to insert a graph
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Floating Text in Charts
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Graph & Charts - Conditional Formating based on value
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Color of data label inside bar graph
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Waterfall chart
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Line graphs - breaking the lines within the line graph
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Negative number in Doughnut chart
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Duplicate Chart
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Chart label modifications + extra graphic elements
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Sequences of Y-axis or X- axis
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Chart legend - reduce symbol width below 10 and allow titles to wrap to second line
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Keep with Next Formatting Does Not Work with Charts
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