Tips to improve your Word (DOCX) imports
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3 voti 5 commenti
Indenting text in a table
0 voti 38 commenti
Deleting a table in nextgen document
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0 voti 32 commenti
Document style guide - capital letters
16 voti 29 commenti
Footnote Formatting
25 voti 23 commenti
Copying whole sections from one file to another
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9 voti 23 commenti
Formatting of individual sections when printing to pdf
3 voti 22 commenti
Formatting tables in next gen documents
1 voto 21 commenti
Numbered list across sections
2 voti 20 commenti
Note continuation to next page
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2 voti 17 commenti
Auto Populate Page Numbers in Table of Contents
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-3 voti 17 commenti
Spell Check in Next-Gen Documents
4 voti 16 commenti
Alternating Color Shading in Rows in Document Table
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0 voti 16 commenti
Exporting comments (including responses and resolved comments)
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1 voto 15 commenti
Inserting a Hyperlink to a specific page number
3 voti 15 commenti
Deleting tables in Documents
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0 voti 14 commenti
Upload & Insert Image
3 voti 14 commenti
Variable Width Tables
2 voti 14 commenti
Cross References in Documents
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2 voti 12 commenti
Copy/paste default settings not sticking
1 voto 12 commenti
How do I make a custom suffix, superscript
0 voti 12 commenti
Special characters in Next Gen
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Can you print to pdf/word the current document view including tracked changes?
2 voti 12 commenti
Adding shapes in Docs
5 voti 12 commenti
Permissions Issue after Transition to Next Gen Documents
0 voti 12 commenti
Adjust the table size to align the table to the left
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Decimal Alignment in Tables
0 voti 11 commenti
How do I position a table?
0 voti 11 commenti
Aligning Tables within a Document
0 voti 11 commenti
Two tables side by side in Next-Gen Docs
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