ix:nonFraction Warning on Arelle
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XBRL warning issue
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DQC - dimensionally qualified fact
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DQC - dimensionally qualified fact
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XBRL Taxonomy
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Now Available: Germany and Netherlands GSR Capabilities
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XBRL Label Update
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Can't create a source link for XBRL in proxy statement.
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Unable to add facts to XBRL outline
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How to identify where the deprecated items in the document
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How to see the untagged numbers in the IXBRL viewe
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Add/Re-add to outline grey out
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What is this error? (XBRL)
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disconnected XBRL
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Data Quality Committee: Latest Round (Version 22)
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Current XBRL Tagging Requirements
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DQC.US.0158.10078 error suggesting us to use a tag that doesn't exist in the taxonomy
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Curious - XBRL change to location of fact details, etc...
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XBRL - Is it ok to use member tags on the face statements?
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XBRL Reviews - New Facts/tags not showing up in the XBRL review summary
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Total value does not match XBRL-calculated value
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List of document types for XBRL
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EDGAR 23.2 release and IFRS taxonomy
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SEC i-XBRL mandate for Form 11K
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Extensible Enumerations and Duplicate Fact Errors
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DQC error suggesting us to use a tag that doesn't exist in the taxonomy?
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"Unexpected Error" in validation report?
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Having concepts in the outline that aren't in the document
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