"Remind all" for overdue PBC requests?
Please consider adding a "remind all" function that allows a click of one button to remind folks who have overdue PBC requests. Having to click and remind one at a time is super frustrating and it is not easy to tell which you have reminded and which may have been missed.
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Thank you Alex Yassemedis and all for your feedback! We understand the frustration around this process. And I am happy to say that we do have "Remind All/Bulk Remind" for requests as well as additional changes to our Requests dashboard on our 2021 Roadmap.
Thanks for this detailed request, Rebecca. I'm happy to pass this on to our development teams for consideration on future improvements to how PBC requests work!
Rachael0I have to agree with Rebecca on this one. Going through hundreds of requests one by one to remind them to submit support is not ideal. Can I ask if there has been any progress on this front?
Many thanks,
1@... Hi Shay - Please could you provide the latest on this? Was this bulk-remind feature delivered on in 2021 and could you link some guidance if so?
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