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Ability to apply an Approval stamp by a Reviewer of a Support Binder



4 commenti

  • Mike
    Hi Trisha!

    Great question. The answer here to two parts, really. First, a Reviewer, at least in the sense of a Reviewer and/or Starter license, cannot apply an Approval stamp to an attachment. To apply this stamp, you'd need to have a minimum of Viewer access to the document that the attachment is found. Secondly, you'd need to apply the approval stamp outside of the Support Binder itself. The approval is actually done within the document view, i.e. you open the document and view the attachment, at which point the approval can be applied.

    In this case, it sounds like you would need to open the attachments individually to apply the stamp, which would flow through to the view of the Support Binder. Does this make sense?

    In the meantime, I've shared your suggestion for an approval stamp that can be applied by Reviewers to the Binder itself with our Product Team and will keep you updated here with any new developments. Let me know if you have any further questions for me, or need anything else.

    Thanks again, and have a great day!
  • Trisha Kassner
    Thanks, Mike! Yes, I knew about the stamp within document view and that makes sense. Taking it one step further to the actual binder would be fantastic, though, as my goal is to streamline/simplify the second level review by sending the whole binder for review at various points in our process. For now, we can achieve this using text boxes, but those aren't as easy as the stamp would be. Please keep me posted if the development team adds this feature. Thanks again!
  • Olivier Perreault
    Great Idea Trisha,

    We are also looking for an option like this. I hope it will come soon.
  • Mike

    Hi Trisha Kassner and Olivier Perreault!

    Wanted to let you know, as seen in this What's New at Workiva episode, it is possible today to apply a Reviewed by stamp (as well as Prepared by and Approved by) on an attachment in next gen. As of yet, however, it is not part of combined digital tie out, i.e. a Support Binder, but it is a step in that direction. That final bits should be coming out soon, early in 2021.

    Wanted to at least share that good news. Let me what questions you have or if you need anything else. Thanks for your patience and happy holidays!


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