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3 commenti

  • Lars Skaar

    Hi Melanie Prisco!

    There are a number of ways to customize the footers in a document. I'll direct you to this help page in the Support Center: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036002631-Add-headers-and-footers

    But basically, in short, you can change the footer for every section in your document. So if you need some sections with a footer just on white and some sections with a footer on color, you can customize those per section. And you can also have a different first page or different last page footer in each document, if needed as well. 

    I hope that was helpful! Thank you!

  • Melanie Prisco

    Thank you. I'm talking more about random pages within a section that might need a different color something. 
    For example the section has 10 pages with black footers, but pages 3,4 and 9 in the section need to be white footers?

  • Lars Skaar

    Ahh, thank you for clarifying! That is not possible at this time. But I will get a ticket spun up for you, and we will let you know if there are any updates!


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