Creation of an additional role specifically for designers
Currently, designers are accessing our workspace/document via an owner role. However, we need to be able to clearly split the access and create another one with specific permissions for the designers, e.g. extensive permissions on design functionalities, but impossibility to change the content (text, numbers, etc.).
I can definitely see how that would be useful! I'm happy to submit a feature request for our product teams consideration. They'll keep you updated on any progress!
0Yes, this has been a major pain point for us as well. Design(ed) Reporting is great, but requiring a graphic designer to have full edit permission—much less owner access (which is what is actually required!)—to a sensitive report merely in order to edit/apply styles or edit layout properties is highly undesirable.
0Hi Andrew McKenzie,
Thank you for sharing your experience. I'll add you to the feature request and keep you updated on any progress!
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