Link formatting is not yet supported on cells containing links
We make ample use of the link functions and prefer to link variance numbers into our text explanation cells. Currently we want to present the same explanation in multiple locations with the same format but Workiva is notifying me that "Link formatting is not yet supported on cells containing links." Do we know when this functionality will be supported?
Hi Ion!
Currently linking formatting for sub-cell links is unsupported. I am happy to add you as a requestor and will keep you updated going forward on progress towards adding this enhancement. Do let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. Thanks!
1Hello Mike,
Yes, please add me as a requestor and keep me updated on this item.
1You got it, Thomas!
1Hi Thomas, I am looking into this and will get back to you when I get an answer!
Any update on this topic? Having the same issue.