Spreadsheet filters
PlannedExcel has the =filter function which allows you to filter a range or an array. You can use it to return multiple rows based on a value or values.
For example, from your current sheet you could return all rows from a connected sheet where "FY2020" is found in column A.
Will the =filter be added to Wdesk Spreadsheets? I don't see it there now.
Is there another way in Spreadsheets to return multiple rows based on a value as described above?
Hi Greg!
At quick glance, I'm not finding any existing requests for adding the =FILTER function in Spreadsheets. I'm happy to pass along your request, however, to test the waters a bit.
I'll add too (though I'm sure you're aware) that you CAN apply a Filter to content in a Spreadsheet, but as a Filter itself, or a Filtered View. More info on Filters can be found here on our Help site: https://support.workiva.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035643312-Sort-and-Filter-Spreadsheets.
Let me know if I've missed the mark there, or you have any questions for me. Thanks as always and have a great rest of your day!
0This would be a helpful addition.