New Users Setup -- Default Permissions
When adding new users to a Workspace, the default setup is to give them "Editor" access to all the existing documents. Is there a way to change that? OR is there a fast way to change the visibility of multiple documents to "None" for the external users (auditors, counsel...) to which you want to grant "review view" only access.
I have this same question!
0Hi Ines and Abby!
Happy to tackle this question for ya both. To confirm, you are referring to the permission level of Editor (granted a default group, i.e. All Users) and not the Workspace role of Editor, correct? If you are referring to the permission from the default group All Users, you do have a few options here.
Option 1 - Edit the Default Set and Change All Users to None
You can edit the default permissions new documents receive so that All Users doesn't receive Editor by default. Currently these settings are found in Classic Admin as those are not fully moved over to Workspace settings as of yet. To access, go to your name in the lower left corner of Home and choose Classic Wdesk > Classic Account Admin.
From here, navigate to Permissions > Permission Sets. This is where you'll see what the defaults are for your account (Workspace). Specifically you'll want Default Document Permissions - (Document). Next click Edit from the right-hand side and from here you can add new members or groups, and edit or remove current groups or members found here. Click Edit next to All Users to adjust their role and choose Save Changes.
A few things to note here. First, you'd of course need Workspace Owner rights to make this change. Secondly, editing this permission set will only impact new files created after this change and won't retroactively change the permission of All Users on content they already have access to via that group. And lastly, this will impact all people in All Users, which is everyone in your Workspace. That would mean you'd need to grant them permission to files created, or adjust the set mentioned above and add in other members groups with Editor rights so they have that access by default.
Option 2 - Remove External Users from All Users Group
What might be easier to do is to remove your external auditors and counsel from the All Users group itself. This way they will not be included in any permission that All Users already has access to and would need to be added explicitly to files they should be able to see, which is probably more what you are wanting for these types of members.
To make this edit, you can remain in the Workspace. Simply click on Settings in the top right under the Workspace name and from here choose Groups. Next, choose All Users and click on the users you want to remove and then select Remove Member.
The nice thing about this method is the change IS retroactive and removes them from all locations where All Users is found, which by default is everywhere. As mentioned, you WILL need to add them explicitly to any file they should see, however. You may also create a group and add these members to those groups for easy adds and @mentions in comments.
Hopefully this helps some. Let me know what questions you have for me and if you need anything else. Thanks for your contributions and chat soon!
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