Inserting a Hyperlink to a specific page number
I've been reading the forums but I couldn't find a solution to the following requirement.
Is there a way to be able to Hyperlink a specific page within a section? (not a specific section, I am aware that is possible).
Official comment
Great news, friends! A recent release has now made Bookmarks available in the Workiva Platform. Included in this feature set is the ability to reference a specific part of your document, as well as insert auto-text of the page number for the bookmark.
Thanks again for your patience and feedback along the way. We couldn't have done it without you.
Hello. I'm not sure this is exactly the same question, but I'd like to be able to have a reference to a page number that is automatically updated if the content shifts to another page. For example, if my document says "See the Q&A on page [70]" and for some reason the Q&A shifts to page 69, then that bracketed page number would auto-update to 69. Please add me to this thread for any updates. Thanks!
3While not ideal, I have been using a work-around in our proxy statement. I inserted a non-printing section, added a table to hold all of the section numbers that need to be displayed in text in one column, then I hard key the page numbers in the next column and use those to link out to the document. During the reporting process, I occasionally review the page numbers section by unchecking the non-printing box to view the page number links (when set to non-printing, they show up at #SectionPage#) to make sure my keyed numbers are still correct. Once updated, I set it back to non-printing. Again, FAR from ideal, but it does work while we wait for the feature update.
1Snap. I hate the bearer of bad news, but this enhancement is slightly pushed back and will likely not be made available until Q2 2022. Apologies for any confusion there. We'll definitely continue to take in any feedback and additional requests here in the meantime, and will keep you apprised on progress. Many thanks and have a great day!
1Hi Eduardo!
Sounds like you are on the same wavelength as Alejandro Pocina, who had a similar request here. As mentioned there, currently this is not possible in Wdesk, but it is being looked into. I've passed along your request for this too and will keep you both up-to-date with any news for sure. Thanks for your valued input and let me know if you need anything else. Cheers!
0Hi Mike,
Ok glad to know it is something that's being looked into.
Thanks for the prompt reply I appreciate it.
0Hi Mike!
Just waned to share that we are also interested in this feature. Any word on if it has been made available or will be in the future?
0Hi Margaret!
Thanks for your interest. I've connected your requests to our ongoing process so you can follow along as well.
Regarding your question, this feature does remain planned but no timeline has been set as of yet. We should know more soon enough, and as interest increases too. I'll keep this post, and your request updated with any new developments. In the meantime, give me a holler if you need anything else or have questions for me. Thanks much and keep staying awesome. 😀
Please include my organization as well in this request. It would be very helpful to hyperlink to specific pages or even locations within a page.
Thank you.
0Welcome to the Community, Emily! Consider it done 😊
Thanks for sharing your feedback and use case. We've got it connected with the team. Holler if you need anything else and stay great!
0I would also like to see this functionality come to fruition. I would like the ability to hyperlink text to a specific page number associated with a section, much like the autotext function in a table.
0Ditto on this feature! One last thing to think about!
0Hi all!
Quick updated here, and I promise its good news.
The ability to have an auto-text option for a section's page number has been prioritized for release during Q4 2021 🥳
Stay tuned to What's New for those updates, and should this timeline change, we'll be sure to let you know as well. Thanks so much and happy Friday!
0Additional good news to share. The added ability to hyperlink to a certain page in a Document has been prioritized for work by our product team with hope to release during Q1 2022. We'll keep you updated here. We'll continue to take in new requests here, so feel free to share you thoughts and we'll get you connected. Thanks again and have super day!
0You probably noticed that Q2 2022 came and went recently without the release of this feature. The good news is it is still totally in the works and is earmarked for Q3 2022 and we'll continue to keep you updated. You can also follow Workiva updates and/or Release Notes to stay apprised. Thanks for your patience and have a great day!
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