ESG Programs will no longer appear in Files or Home
CompletedTo help streamline your experience in Workiva's ESG solution, ESG Programs — the hub of your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) data collection — will soon be accessible from only ESG Program on the left navigation, and will no longer appear in Files or Home.
When you click ESG Program, your most recently opened ESG Program appears by default. If your workspace has multiple ESG Programs, you can select the name of another Program to view it instead.
If you're a Workspace Owner, you can choose to open any ESG Program in the workspace, such as to update its Permissions. When you select an ESG Program's name, those you can update only due to your role as a Workspace Owner — not as the Program's Owner — appear at the end of the list, under View as Workspace Owner.
To learn more, view Manage ESG Programs in Support Center.
Official comment
FYI, this update is starting to appear across workspaces, so don't be alarmed if you no longer see your ESG Program in Files or Home. Simply select ESG Program from the left navigation instead. Thanks!
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