Automate worksheet arrangement
PlannedIn Excel, a macro could be used to arrange and show/hide our source worksheets for the 10-K or 10-Q, as needed depending on the filing period. It could even rename the worksheets used in both filings to keep the note numbers correct (for example, the same worksheet might be named "N12_EPS_T1" for our 10-Qs, and "N19_EPS_T1" for our 10-Ks).
Any solution to automate this process in Workiva and get us close to this kind of result would be welcomed!
I saw that a ticket was created for you related to the ability to hide sheets on this community post.
I reached out to our internal team last week to see if they had any workarounds or ideas and have not heard anything yet, but if there are any customers who have recommendations, I know we would love to hear any thoughts or ideas!
0Is there an update on this? Is there functionality in Workiva for macros?
0Hi Melanie!
As of now this feature remains proposed with our product team. Happy to add you as a requestor of this enhancement as well.
Regarding macros, are you looking to import an XLSM, for example? That is also something that is not yet supported but it is planned to be worked on (here's a post on that). Happy to also add you as requestor there as well. Let me know if I've missed the mark or you have any follow-ups.
Thanks and have a super day!
0Hi Mike,
I appreciate your response.
Yes, please add me as a requestor on this feature enhancement request for macros. I wasn't looking to upload an XLSM but was looking to create a macro in Workiva Spreadsheets to run a Find and Replace All function since Workiva Spreadsheets lack that feature. Unfortunately, since I could not utilize either functionality, it has caused me to have to click Replace thousands of extra times.
0You are welcome, Melanie. Thanks for clarifying that. I will add you to that requestor here, and for the support of Macros in Spreadsheets. And for Find & Replace All functionality, which is planned to be added, but still I do apologize for all those added clicks. That sounds painful, both literally and figuratively.
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