To ensure you have the latest guidance, ESG Explorer always provides the current version of content by default. In addition, ESG Explorer provides:
- Deprecated versions, such as for historical reference or context around values collected in previous years of your ESG Program
- Pending versions, such as to help you prepare for when it goes into effect or to ease early adoption
Note: When a new version becomes available, it appears only in ESG Explorer. To align with a new version, update your ESG Program metrics' related ESG content accordingly. To ensure compliance, use only a current version for reporting.
For some content, you can also view details about its publication or download original source PDFs.
View deprecated or pending versions
From ESG Explorer, you can refer to deprecated or pending versions of content, in addition to its current version.
To refer to a deprecated version, such as for historical context:
- From the Frameworks panel, browse to the content. In the outline, previous versions of content appear as Deprecated.
- To search from ESG Explorer Home, click Search options , select Include deprecated content, and then search by keyword.
- To view the deprecated version of content from its current version, select the version to view from the History panel.
Tip: You can return to the current version from the deprecated version's History panel.
To refer to a pending version, such as to prepare ESG reporting for the revisions:
- From the Frameworks panel, browse to the content. In the outline, upcoming versions of content appear as Pending.
- To search from ESG Explorer Home, click Search options , select Include pending content, and then search by keyword.
- To view the pending version of content from its current version, select the version to view from the History panel.
Tip: You can return to the current version from the pending version's History panel.
View content details
From ESG Explorer, you can view the publication date, update frequency, and other details for content issued by:
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
- Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
- Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG)
To view these details, browse to or search for the content, and click View version details .
Tip: To view details for a deprecated version, select it from the History panel or Frameworks panel.
Download original source content of GRI Standards
To enable deeper review of GRI Standards outside of Workiva, you can save a ZIP file of the portable document files (PDFs) published by GRI. The downloaded PDFs include the original source content from GRI, including any images and introductory front matter.
Note: The downloaded PDFs do not include any comments, related disclosures, or other context added in ESG Explorer.
- In ESG Explorer, browse to or search for the GRI Standard to download.
Tip: To download the PDF for a deprecated version, select it from the History panel or Frameworks panel.
- Click Download original source file .
- Click Download.