To ensure a successful roll forward of your process with certification actions:
- Copy the completed process using these steps.
- In the copied process, open up Properties in the toolbar to review and update the following process properties:
- Under the General tab:
- The process Name
- The Process due date
- The Action trigger
- Under the Certifications tab:
- The Automatic approval setting
- The Automated reminder emails
- Under the General tab:
- Open up Letters in the process toolbar, and for each letter that you’ll use in the process:
- Review and update the letter content
- Open up Properties in the letter toolbar to review and update the following letter properties:
- The Letter name
- The Point of contact
- The Certification options
- For all actions in the copied process, review and update the following (you can bulk edit these fields to help save time):
Users (the signers and approvers for the actions)
- Check for any suspended users and replace them with active users
- The action Due date and Approval due date
- The action Tags
- The action Titles
- Certification emails (the email notifications sent to the signers for the actions)
- The Certification letters that are assigned to the actions
Users (the signers and approvers for the actions)
- Click Export to CSV in the process toolbar to cross-reference the action titles, certification letter assignments, signers and approvers, and other fields.
Your process is now ready to run.