This article is for:
- Workspaces in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) with European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) enabled in ESG Explorer
- Workspaces elsewhere with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) add-on enabled
From ESG Explorer, you can create ESG Readiness Assessments to help gauge how prepared you are to report using specific Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks or standards. To help ease your company's readiness, an assessment creates an action plan for the disclosures you decide to report.
Note: Currently, ESG Readiness Assessments support only the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).
From 5. Create metrics, you can:
- Add and manage tasks to help prepare your company to report a disclosure.
- Create ESG Program metrics to help resolve gaps in data collection to meet the disclosure's requirements.
Add tasks for disclosures
From an action plan, you can manage tasks to help prepare your company for each disclosure you decide to report. You can add these tasks for yourself to complete — like a To-Do list — or delegate them to other workspace members to complete or approve.
Tip: To help ease readiness, the assessment automatically suggests common tasks, such as to conduct customer and peer analysis; determine subject matter experts (SMEs); introduce the ESG team to a disclosure; and create or update your corporate processes, guidance, key performance indicators (KPIs), and governance documentation.
- In ESG Explorer, open the ESG Readiness Assessment from Readiness assessments.
- From 5. Create metrics, select the disclosure to add the task to.
- To add the task to To-do list, either:
- Click Add task, then select Move task up or Move task down from its menu to set its priority in the list.
- Select a task with similar priority in To-do list, and select Add task above or Add task below based on the new task's priority.
- In Name, edit the default name as necessary to help identify the intent of the task.
- To delegate the task to another workspace member, select them in Assignee.
- In Due date, select when the task should be completed.
- To have another member verify the completed task, select them in Approver, and set their due date.
- To complete the task:
- If you're the Assignee, perform the task, then click Complete task
Tip: To manage a task with your other tasks on Home instead of from the ESG Readiness Assessment, select Send task from its menu.
or select Complete task from its menu. - If another member is the Assignee, select Send task from the tasks's menu.
Tip: Rather than send each task separately, you can send tasks to all assignees for the action plan or a specific disclosure.
- If you're the Assignee, perform the task, then click Complete task
Create ESG Program metrics for disclosures
To help enable data collection for a disclosure, you can automatically add metrics to the current year of the ESG Program selected for the assessment from its action plan.
- In ESG Explorer, open the ESG Readiness Assessment from Readiness assessments.
- From 5. Create metrics, select the disclosure to add the metric for.
- In Metric creation, click Create metrics.
- Create one metric for the top-level disclosure, or multiple metrics based on the disclosure's subsections.
To create only one metric for the overall disclosure:
- In Metric scope, select Top-level.
- In Program year, select which year in ESG Program to add the metrics.
- In Collection frequency, select how often the metric collects values — Yearly, Biannually, Quarterly, or Monthly.
- Click Create 1 metric.
To create multiple metrics based on content within the disclosure:
- In Metric scope, select Subsection.
- In Program year, select which year in ESG Program to add the metrics.
- To view all subsections within the disclosure, including those already connected to metrics, select Show connected metrics.
Tip: To view only content not yet connected to metrics, clear this checkbox.
- In Collection frequency, select how often the metric collects values — Yearly, Biannually, Quarterly, or Monthly.
Tip: To use the same frequency for all metrics created for subsections, select it in Configure metrics and click Apply changes. If necessary, you can select another frequency for specific metrics before you create them.
- Click Create metrics.
While not yet supported for metrics based on the ESRS, Readiness Assessments will enable multiple metrics for a disclosure, based on its framework's extensible business reporting language (XBRL) taxonomy (if available). Stay tuned!
- In Metric scope, select Top-level.
In ESG Program, the assessment creates a new topic for its metrics, which are configured for Text values and include a Name, Description, and Related ESG content based on the corresponding disclosure or subsection.
To complete the metric's creation:
- Configure its data collection, including any custom dimension
- Set up each of its values.
- Move its position in the outline, such as to another topic where it should appear.
Note: The assessment adds its metrics to the current year of the ESG Program. To move a metric's values to a future reporting year, you can roll forward the ESG Program — if necessary — and then remove values from the current year.
Manage readiness assessment tasks
To help prepare your company to report using the framework, you can manage the tasks created for an action plan — separately, or for a specific disclosure or the overall action plan — from 5. Create metrics.
- To send a specific task, click Send task from its menu, and select whether to send an email notifications.
Tip: When you send a task, it automatically appears for its assignee in Home. When the assignee completes, their task, the approver — if assigned — then receives their task.
- To remind a member of their task, select Send reminder from its menu.
Tip: To help keep tasks on track, the ESG Readiness Assessment automatically sends reminders for incomplete tasks three days before their due date, on the due date, and then every day after the due date, up to three days.
- To cancel a sent task, select Reset task from its menu.
- To completely remove a task from a disclosure, select Delete task from its menu.
- To send all tasks for a disclosure, click Send tasks from the disclosure's menu, and select whether to send email notifications.
Tip: When you send tasks, they automatically appear for their assignees in Home. When the assignee completes, their task, the approver — if assigned — then receives their task.
- To remind all members of their tasks for a disclosure, select Remind tasks from the disclosure's menu, then choose whether to send reminders for all incomplete tasks or only those with a status of In progress, In review, or Returned.
Tip: To help keep tasks on track, the ESG Readiness Assessment automatically sends reminders for incomplete tasks three days before their due date, on the due date, and then every day after the due date, up to three days.
- To cancel all tasks sent for a disclosure, select Reset tasks from its menu.
- To send all tasks for the action plan, select Send all tasks from its menu, and select whether to send email notifications.
Tip: When you send tasks, they automatically appear for their assignees in Home. When the assignee completes, their task, the approver — if assigned — then receives their task.
- To remind all members of their tasks for the action plan, select Remind all tasks from the action plan's menu, then choose whether to send reminders for all incomplete tasks or only those with a status of In progress, In review, or Returned.
Tip: To help keep tasks on track, the ESG Readiness Assessment automatically sends reminders for incomplete tasks three days before their due date, on the due date, and then every day after the due date, up to three days.
- To cancel all tasks sent for an action plan, select Reset all from its menu.