From ESG Explorer, you can view Universal and Topic Standards from Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). For industry-specific guidance, you can also choose to include GRI Sector Standards:
- GRI 11: Oil and Gas Sector 2021
- GRI 12: Coal Sector 2022
- GRI 13: Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fishing Sector 2022
If a Sector Standard applies to your industry, you can use it to help identify which Universal and Topic Standards and additional recommendations to disclose for meaningful ESG reporting. For example, from ESG Explorer, you can:
- Review your Sector Standards and their corresponding Universal and Topic Standards, disclosures, and recommendations.
- Align Sector Standards — and their corresponding Universal or Topic Standards and disclosures — with ESG Program metrics.
Tip: You can view and open a Sector Standard from its corresponding Topic Standard disclosure.
Note: GRI has additional Sector Standards under development, including for Mining, Financial services, and Textiles and apparel. For more information, including projected publication and effective dates, refer to the GRI Sector Program.
Include GRI Sector Standards in ESG Explorer
From the ESG Admin panel in ESG Explorer, you can choose to include GRI Sector Standards for your industries:
- In Frameworks, select GRI or All frameworks.
- In GRI Sectors, select the Sector Standards for your company's industries.
Align metrics with GRI Standards
When the Sector Standards appear in ESG Explorer, you can align them with ESG Program metrics to ensure you collect and report the appropriate values. You can also use the Sector Standards to identify which Universal and Topic Standards and disclosures to align with.
Tip: For a deeper review of GRI Standards outside of Workiva, click Download original source file to save a ZIP file of the full portable document files (PDFs) published by GRI.
Sector Standard
To align a Sector Standard with a metric, click Connect to program metric , and select the metric to connect.
Universal or Topic Standard or disclosure
To align a Sector Standard's corresponding Universal or Topic Standard or disclosure with a metric:
- From ESG Explorer, select Preview for the Sector Standard.
- From the Preview panel, identify the Sector Standard's corresponding Universal or Topic Standard or disclosure:
- GRI Standard displays the Sector Standard's corresponding Universal or Topic Standard.
- Disclosure displays the corresponding disclosure within the Universal or Topic Standard.
- Browse to or search for the Universal or Topic Standard or its disclosure.
- Click Connect to program metric , and select the metric to align with.