If you have existing Microsoft® Office® Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), or Powerpoint (.pptx) files, you can import and convert them to Documents, Spreadsheets, and Presentations in Workiva.
Import a Microsoft Office file
Note: Offices files with attached files cannot be imported. In this case, remove the embedded items and then add them as attachments in Workiva.
You need to have the Editor role to import Microsoft files into Workiva. To import a Microsoft Office file in Home:
- Click the Create menu in the top left.
- Wählen Sie „Importieren“ aus.
- Select Import Excel, Import Word, or Import Powerpoint based on the type of file you want to import.
- After the prompt loads, choose your file and click Import.
After you import the file, you can update permissions and review formatting. You may notice that some formatting looks different depending on the type of file.
Note: CSV files must be in UTF-8 format. If your file contains unsupported characters, return to Excel and export it again.
Zusätzliche Optionen
When you are working in a file, there are additional options for importing. For more information, see the following articles: